Security ======== Users management ---------------- By default, the SonataAdminBundle does not come with any user management, however it is most likely the application requires such feature. The Sonata Project includes a ``SonataUserBundle`` which integrates the ``FOSUserBundle``. The ``FOSUserBundle`` adds support for a database-backed user system in Symfony2. It provides a flexible framework for user management that aims to handle common tasks such as user login, registration and password retrieval. The ``SonataUserBundle`` is just a thin wrapper to include the ``FOSUserBundle`` into the ``AdminBundle``. The ``SonataUserBundle`` includes : * A default login area * A default ``user_block`` template which is used to display the current user and the logout link * 2 Admin classes : User and Group * A default class for User and Group. There is a little magic in the ``SonataAdminBundle`` : if the bundle detects the ``SonataUserBundle`` class, then the default ``user_block`` template will be changed to use the one provided by the ``SonataUserBundle``. The install process is available on the dedicated `SonataUserBundle's documentation area `_ Security handlers ----------------- The security part is managed by a ``SecurityHandler``, the bundle comes with 3 handlers セキュリティ部分は ``SecurityHandler`` で管理されており、このbundleは3つのハンドラーで構成されています。 - ```` : ROLES to handle permissions - ```` : ACL and ROLES to handle permissions - ```` : always returns true, can be used with the Symfony2 firewall - ```` : パーミッションをハンドルするための ROLE
 - ```` : ACL と パーミッションを管理するためのROLES (ACLを理解できてないので訳が間違ってたらごめんなさい) - ```` : いつもtureを返し、Symfony2のファイアウォールで使われます。
 The default value is ````, if you want to change the default value you can set the ``security_handler`` to ```` or ````. デフォルト値は ```` で、デフォルト値を変更したければ ``security_handler`` に ```` や ```` を設定できます To quickly secure an admin the role security can be used. It allows to specify the actions a user can with the admin. The ACL security system is more advanced and allows to secure the objects. For people using the previous ACL implementation, you can switch the security_handler to the role security handler. Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Only the security handler is required to determine which type of security to use. The other parameters are set as default, change them if needed. Using roles: .. code-block:: yaml sonata_admin: security: handler: # role security information information: EDIT: EDIT LIST: LIST CREATE: CREATE VIEW: VIEW DELETE: DELETE EXPORT: EXPORT OPERATOR: OPERATOR MASTER: MASTER Using ACL: .. code-block:: yaml # app/config/config.yml sonata_admin: security: handler: # acl security information information: GUEST: [VIEW, LIST] STAFF: [EDIT, LIST, CREATE] EDITOR: [OPERATOR, EXPORT] ADMIN: [MASTER] # permissions not related to an object instance and also to be available when objects do not exist # the DELETE admin permission means the user is allowed to batch delete objects admin_permissions: [CREATE, LIST, DELETE, UNDELETE, EXPORT, OPERATOR, MASTER] # permission related to the objects object_permissions: [VIEW, EDIT, DELETE, UNDELETE, OPERATOR, MASTER, OWNER] The following section explains how to set up ACL with the ``FriendsOfSymfony/UserBundle``. 以下のセクションで ``FriendsOfSymfony/UserBundle`` におけるACLを設定する方法を説明します。 ACL and FriendsOfSymfony/UserBundle ----------------------------------- If you want an easy way to handle users, please use : もしユーザーを管理する簡単な方法が欲しければ、以下を使ってください。 - : handle users and groups stored in RDMS or MongoDB - : integrates the ``FriendsOfSymfony/UserBundle`` with the ``AdminBundle`` - : RDBMSやMongoDに保存されたユーザーやグループを管理する - : ``FriendsOfSymfony/UserBundle`` を ``AdminBundle`` に結合する The security integration is a work in progress and has some known issues : セキュリティー統合は未完成で、いくつかの解決方法が知られています。 - ACL permissions are immutables - A listener must be implemented that creates the object Access Control List with the required rules if objects are created outside the Admin - ACL のパーミッションは不変である - リスナーは、もしAdmin の外で生成した場合、Access Control List オブジェクトを生成する (インターフェースを)実装しなければならない Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before you can use ``FriendsOfSymfony/FOSUserBundle`` you need to set it up as described in the documentation of the bundle. In step 4 you need to create a User class (in a custom UserBundle). Do it as follows: .. code-block:: php install ACL for - add role: ROLE_SONATA_MEDIA_ADMIN_MEDIA_GUEST, permissions: ["VIEW","LIST"] - add role: ROLE_SONATA_MEDIA_ADMIN_MEDIA_STAFF, permissions: ["EDIT","LIST","CREATE"] - add role: ROLE_SONATA_MEDIA_ADMIN_MEDIA_EDITOR, permissions: ["OPERATOR","EXPORT"] - add role: ROLE_SONATA_MEDIA_ADMIN_MEDIA_ADMIN, permissions: ["MASTER"] ... skipped ... If you already have objects, you can generate the object ACL rules for each object of an admin: .. code-block:: sh $ php app/console sonata:admin:generate-object-acl Optionally, you can specify an object owner, and step through each admin. See the help of the command for more information. If you try to access to the admin class you should see the login form, just log in with the ``root`` user. An Admin is displayed in the dashboard (and menu) when the user has the role ``LIST``. To change this override the ``showIn`` method in the Admin class. Roles and Access control lists ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A user can have several roles when working with an application. Each Admin class has several roles, and each role specifies the permissions of the user for the ``Admin`` class. Or more specifically, what the user can do with the domain object(s) the ``Admin`` class is created for. By default each ``Admin`` class contains the following roles, override the property ``$securityInformation`` to change this: - ``ROLE_SONATA_..._GUEST`` : a guest that is allowed to view an object and a list of objects; - ``ROLE_SONATA_..._STAFF`` : probably the biggest part of the users, a staff user has the same permissions as guests and is additionally allowed to ``EDIT`` and ``CREATE`` new objects; - ``ROLE_SONATA_..._EDITOR`` : an editor is granted all access and, compared to the staff users, is allowed to ``DELETE`` and ``EXPORT``; - ``ROLE_SONATA_..._ADMIN`` : an administrative user is granted all access and on top of that, the user is allowed to grant other users access. Owner: - when an object is created, the currently logged in user is set as owner for that object and is granted all access for that object; - this means the user owning the object is always allowed to ``DELETE`` the object, even when it only has the staff role. Vocabulary used for Access Control Lists: - **Role :** a user role; - **ACL :** a list of access rules, the Admin uses 2 types: - **Admin ACL :** created from the Security information of the Admin class for each admin and shares the Access Control Entries that specify what the user can do (permissions) with the admin - **Object ACL :** also created from the security information of the ``Admin`` class however created for each object, it uses 2 scopes: - **Class-Scope :** the class scope contains the rules that are valid for all object of a certain class; - **Object-Scope :** specifies the owner; - **Sid :** Security identity, an ACL role for the Class-Scope ACL and the user for the Object-Scope ACL; - **Oid :** Object identity, identifies the ACL, for the admin ACL this is the admin code, for the object ACL this is the object id; - **ACE :** a role (or sid) and its permissions; - **Permission :** this tells what the user is allowed to do with the Object identity; - **Bitmask :** a permission can have several bitmasks, each bitmask represents a permission. When permission ``VIEW`` is requested and it contains the ``VIEW`` and ``EDIT`` bitmask and the user only has the ``EDIT`` permission, then the permission ``VIEW`` is granted. - **PermissionMap :** configures the bitmasks for each permission, to change the default mapping create a voter for the domain class of the Admin. There can be many voters that may have different permission maps. However, prevent that multiple voters vote on the same class with overlapping bitmasks. See the cookbook article "Advanced ACL concepts" for the meaning of the different permissions: How is access granted? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the application the security context is asked if access is granted for a role or a permission (``admin.isGranted``): - **Token :** a token identifies a user between requests; - **Voter :** sort of judge that returns if access is granted of denied, if the voter should not vote for a case, it returns abstrain; - **AccessDecisionManager :** decides if access is granted or denied according a specific strategy. It grants access if at least one (affirmative strategy), all (unanimous strategy) or more then half (consensus strategy) of the counted votes granted access; - **RoleVoter :** votes for all attributes stating with ``ROLE_`` and grants access if the user has this role; - **RoleHierarchieVoter :** when the role ``ROLE_SONATA_ADMIN`` is voted for, it also votes "granted" if the user has the role ``ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN``; - **AclVoter :** grants access for the permissions of the ``Admin`` class if the user has the permission, the user has a permission that is included in the bitmasks of the permission requested to vote for or the user owns the object. Create a custom voter or a custom permission map ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In some occasions you need to create a custom voter or a custom permission map because for example you want to restrict access using extra rules: - create a custom voter class that extends the ``AclVoter`` .. code-block:: php =5.3.7 you can check the inheritance with is_a($class, 'Sonata\UserBundle\Admin\Entity\UserAdmin'); // support the Object-Scope ACL return is_subclass_of($class, 'FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserInterface'); } public function supportsAttribute($attribute) { return $attribute === 'EDIT' || $attribute === 'DELETE'; } public function vote(TokenInterface $token, $object, array $attributes) { if (!$this->supportsClass(get_class($object))) { return self::ACCESS_ABSTAIN; } foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { if ($this->supportsAttribute($attribute) && $object instanceof UserInterface) { if ($object->isSuperAdmin() && !$token->getUser()->isSuperAdmin()) { // deny a non super admin user to edit a super admin user return self::ACCESS_DENIED; } } } // use the parent vote with the custom permission map: // return parent::vote($token, $object, $attributes); // otherwise leave the permission voting to the AclVoter that is using the default permission map return self::ACCESS_ABSTAIN; } } - optionally create a custom permission map, copy to start the ``Sonata\AdminBundle\Security\Acl\Permission\AdminPermissionMap.php`` to your bundle - declare the voter and permission map as a service .. code-block:: xml Acme\DemoBundle\Security\Authorization\Voter\UserAclVoter - change the access decission strategy to ``unanimous`` .. code-block:: yaml # app/config/security.yml security: access_decision_manager: # Strategy can be: affirmative, unanimous or consensus strategy: unanimous - to make this work the permission needs to be checked using the Object ACL - modify the template (or code) where applicable: .. code-block:: html+jinja {% if admin.isGranted('EDIT', user_object) %} {# ... #} {% endif %} - because the object ACL permission is checked, the ACL for the object must have been created, otherwise the ``AclVoter`` will deny ``EDIT`` access for a non super admin user trying to edit another non super admin user. This is automatically done when the object is created using the Admin. If objects are also created outside the Admin, have a look at the ``createSecurityObject`` method in the ``AclSecurityHandler``. Usage ~~~~~ Everytime you create a new ``Admin`` class, you should start with the command ``php app/console sonata:admin:setup-acl`` so the ACL database will be updated with the latest roles and permissions. In the templates, or in your code, you can use the Admin method ``isGranted()`` : - check for an admin that the user is allowed to ``EDIT`` : .. code-block:: html+jinja {# use the admin security method #} {% if admin.isGranted('EDIT') %} {# ... #} {% endif %} {# or use the default is_granted symfony helper, the following will give the same result #} {% if is_granted('ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN') or is_granted('EDIT', admin) %} {# ... #} {% endif %} - check for an admin that the user is allowed to ``DELETE``, the object is added to also check if the object owner is allowed to ``DELETE`` : .. code-block:: html+jinja {# use the admin security method #} {% if admin.isGranted('DELETE', object) %} {# ... #} {% endif %} {# or use the default is_granted symfony helper, the following will give the same result #} {% if is_granted('ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN') or is_granted('DELETE', object) %} {# ... #} {% endif %}